Kingdoms of Amalur Lockpicking Basics Tutorial
Lockpicking in Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning is an easy feat, so long as you know what to do.
Lockpicking in Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning is an easy feat, so long as you know what to do.
Chests aren't just protected by locks. Some of them have spells you'll need to break before you can steal the loot.
Along with the destruction of the PlayStation Network (think of that explosion at the end of Star Wars), Sony have also given us a much nicer web browser.
To celebrate the release of Skyrim’s Creation Kit for Steam, Bethesda and Valve have joined forces to bring you Portal 2 Space Core mod.
S&P has downgraded Sony's ratings following continued losses and falling demand for its products. The ratings agency said that the long-term outlook for Sony looked grim.
You can probably guess exactly where this is going and what the FRC promote, and you’re probably right.
There’s been an alarming amount of Xbox Live account hijacking lately, and even more alarming has been Microsoft’s refusal to acknowledge the growing problem. The time has finally come, however, and Alex Garden, General Manager of Xbox LIVE, has finally made a statement addressing the issue.
BioWare has announced that Datapad will allow you to "stay in touch with all of the info in Mass Effect 3†using various features such as leting you check the status of that nasty war business with a galaxy map, and receiving messages from characters in the game.
You'll be lining your pockets with gold in no time with these tips.
Not a 'good' game designer neccesarily, but still!
This helpful video will show you how to nab all of the game's twenty-nine relics.
Over the last five years, the publisher has seen a staggering 94% increase in the share of revenues it earns through digital distribution.
Midweek Madness indeed - Skyrim receives a 33% discount on Steam
When Sony announced that the Vita wouldn't support UMD, users demanded to know what they'd be able to do with their old games. Japan got a "UMD Passport" system, the US, it has been revealed, will not.
LucasArts' waggle-athon finally has a release date.
You'll be able to wage the hearts you collect to make the game harder and earn better rewards.
If you don't have a pre-order yet, odds are good you've missed the window of opportunity.
CCP Games will be opening up the MMOFPS to the age old "controller versus keyboard and mouse" debate.
Bethesda has released a series of tutorials on how to use their Creation Kit modding tools for Skyrim.
The new multiplayer map is set atop a New York City skyscraper. Watch your step.
Sony has released a new co-op mission for Uncharted 3 in addition to skin packs for the game.
Get to modding, folks!
The newest trailer for I Am Alive reveals the player's need to survive in the post-apocalyptic environment.
The series is likely to continue, though when and in what form are still to be decided. Whatever it is, I'm hoping Mordin gets the starring role.