Don’t go in there alone. Grab a friend and prepare to test how well your nerves of steel really are. In this list, we will highlight some of the best co-op horror games coming out this year.
#10 R.E.P.O.

Why should we suffer alone…when we can bring in other people to be part of our suffering? Video games understand this concept very well, and R.E.P.O. is the latest in a long line of titles that allow you to brave a horrifying world with friends in which many of you are likely to die, but it’ll be “worth it” if you can get the money you desire! That’s what life is all about…right?
Anyway, you and your friends must use your wits, communication and a special physics tool so you can overcome dangers and get the loot you need to buy stuff so you can survive the next run!
#9 Blight Survival

A war is always something to be horrified about. However, what happens when the war is stopped due to something far more sinister? In Blight Survival, two factions are at war with one another when a literal blight strikes the “no man’s land between them.” Said blight carries from one dead body to another, causing them to rise and strike out at the living.
You’ll be able to team up with three other people and attempt to find the blight’s source. Once you do, you’ll need to destroy it once and for all! Be warned, though, the dead are strong, and if you’re not careful, you’ll just join their ranks.
#8 Instinction

One of the few fears we don’t have in the modern world is that the beasts of the ancient world aren’t around to mess with us. However, in video games, that line isn’t just blurred; it’s full-on thrown out at times. Instinction features you as someone who ends up in a mysterious land separated by a “rift,” and within it are creatures long thought extinct. Dinosaurs, sabertoothed tigers, and more live here alongside an ancient race of people.
The problem is that there are forces at work here that would try and use these creatures and people for their own nefarious gains! You must learn the truth and stop them before it’s too late!
#7 Killing Floor 3

While it’s true that games like Killing Floor 3 are meant to be “horrifying” in the gore you’ll cause and the various monsters you’ll take on as you try and save the world, that’s not the “true intent” of the game. Oh no, it’s far more fun than that. This series prides itself on giving players the chance to cut loose and see just how far they can push things with their weapons.
With a LARGE co-op party at your disposal, you and your friends can take on these monstrous freaks in various ways and enjoy every kill. Or, one of you can even become one of the monsters! Enjoy.
#6 Projekt Z: Beyond Order

You’ll find that World War II is home to all sorts of titles, including games like Projekt Z: Beyond Order, which is about an island filled with German experiments that you now find yourself upon and must get out alive from! That shouldn’t be too hard, right?
One of the highlights of this co-op adventure is that the characters you can choose to be all have different abilities and skills, forcing you to work together as a true unit if you wish to get through the undead hordes and other monsters waiting for you on the island!
It’s a big place, so make sure you leave no stone unturned!
#5 The House of the Dead 2: Remake (Switch)

The horror genre has come a long way since the early days of gaming, and the Nintendo Switch version of The House of the Dead 2: Remake is proof of that. This is one of the old-school arcade-style shooters where you’ll be tasked with taking down wave upon wave of zombies to get out alive. There will be many dangers in the places you tread, so you’ll need to be mindful of all around you if you want to make it out alive!
Sure, it’s a bit basic and “archaic” at times, but there’s just something to love about shooting zombies endlessly. Fun times!
#4 Dying Light: The Beast

Kyle Crane is back, but he’s not the same person that you met in the franchise’s first game. He risked it all to save people from the zombie infection, and his “reward” was being imprisoned for ten years and being experimented on and tortured by those in charge of his incarceration.
Yet, now, he’s free, and he finds himself in the danger-filled location known as the Castor Woods. Here, there are people trying to survive, zombies trying to consume them, and other dark forces at work. Thus, he’ll need to unleash the “beast within” to take out threats and help those in need.
#3 Little Nightmares III

When your name is literally Little Nightmares III, you know that you’re about to be in a horror game. The twist, though, is that this franchise has built itself to be a different kind of horror genre. It’s not simply about “fighting monsters,” but trying to escape them and survive the world you’ve been thrown into.
In this case, you’ll work with a partner to help Low and Alone as they attempt to get out of The Spiral. It’s located within the land called Nowhere, and only through true teamwork can you manage to get through. What horrors and dark truths await you in this place? You’ll have to play to find out.
#2 State of Decay 3

As we’ve already shown you, the zombie genre is horrifying enough due to the undead you have to put yourself against. In State of Decay 3, you’ll need to put that fear to the side as you attempt to make a better life for yourself and others in your community. In the game, you’ll work alongside a group of other survivors and attempt to rebuild a life in a world gone mad with zombies.
With every step forward you take, you’ll grow closer to what is “normal,” but remember, there are dangerous around every corner. Plus, here, if you send someone out and they die, their life is gone, and you’ll need to move on without them.
#1 Gears of War: E-Day

Not all horror stories are what you think they are. For those who are trapped in an “eternal war,” just the act of making it through a battle can be a horrifying experience. Yet, in every war, there is an origin story of how everything went wrong. For Gears of War: E-Day, you’ll finally get the chance to see not only how the Locust came to take over, but also how humanity was able to fight back just enough to keep the fight going.
As the reveal trailer showed, you’ll see how Marcus Fenix, Dom, and others were there at the very beginning and witnessed how Earth fell, Marcus got arrested, and everything in between.