Check out every Voucher Card in Balatro with this complete list of cards and how to unlock them. Voucher Cards have a hidden upgrade — turning the initial 16 Vouchers into 32 if you know how to unlock them all. Below, we’ll list all the standard cards, the upgraded versions and how to unlock the upgraded card.
Here’s how Vouchers work: Voucher Cards are upgrades that permanently effect your current run — they have effects like +1 Hand Size or +1 Discard and the effect remains until you exit your current run. By completing an achievement, it’s possible to get an upgraded Voucher that enhances the effects of your Voucher further. You’ll need to buy the Standard Voucher before the Upgraded Voucher is available later. It’s a complicated system, but one you’ll want to learn if you want to truly master Balatro and take advantage of every possibility.
All Voucher Cards & Upgrade Methods
Here’s a quick rundown of all the Vouchers and how to upgrade them.
- Overstock: +1 card slot available in the shop. (3 total)
- Upgrade Unlock Requirement: Spend a total of $2,500 at the shop.
- Overstock Plus: +1 card slot available in the shop. (4 total)
- Clearance Sale: All cards and packs in the shop are 25% off.
- Upgrade Unlock Requirement: Redeem at least 10 Voucher cards in one run.
- Liquidation: All cards and packs in shop are 50% off.
- Hone: Foil, Holographic and Polychrome cards appear 2x more often.
- Upgrade Unlock Requirement: Have at least 5 Joker cards with Foil, Holographic and Polychrome (or Negative effect).
- Glow Up: Foil, Holographic and Polychrome cards appear 4x more often.
- Reroll Surplus: Rerolls cost $2 less.
- Upgrade Unlock Requirement: Reroll the shop a total of 100 times.
- Reroll Glut: Rerolls cost an additional $2 less.
- Crystal Ball: +1 Consumable slot.
- Upgrade Unlock Requirement: Use a total of 25 Tarot Cards from Booster Packs.
- Omen Globe: Spectral Cards may appear in any of the Arcana Packs.
- Telescope: Celestial Packs always contain the Planet card for your most played Poker Hand.
- Upgrade Unlock Requirement: Use a total of 25 Planet Cards from Booster Packs.
- Observatory: Planet cards in your consumable area give x1.5 Mult for their specified poker hand.
- Grabber: Permanently gain +1 Hand per round.
- Upgrade Unlock Requirement: Play a total of 2,500 cards.
- Nacho Tong: Permanently gain an additional +1 Hand per round.
- Wasteful: Permanently gain +1 Discard per round.
- Upgrade Unlock Requirement: Discard a total of 2,500 cards.
- Recyclomancy: Permanently gain an additional +1 Discard per round.
- Tarot Merchant: Tarot Cards appear 2x more frequently in shops.
- Upgrade Unlock Requirement: Buy a total of 50 Tarot Cards from the Shop.
- Tarot Tycoon: Tarot Cards appear 4x more frequently in shops.
- Planet Merchant: Planet Cards appear 2x more frequently in shops.
- Upgrade Unlock Requirement: Buy a total of 50 Planet Cards from the Shop.
- Planet Tycoon: Planet Cards appears 4x more frequently in shops.
- Seed Money: Raise the cap of interest earned in each round by $10.
- Upgrade Unlock Requirement: Max out the interest per round earnings for 10 consecutive rounds.
- Money Tree: Raise the cap of interest earned in each round by $20.
- Blank: Does Nothing?
- Upgrade Unlock Requirement: Redeem Blank 10 times.
- Antimatter: +1 Joker slot.
- Magic Trick: Playing cards can be purchased from the shop.
- Upgrade Unlock Requirement: Buy a total of 20 playing cards from the shop.
- Illusion: Playing cards in the shop may have an Enhancement, Edition, or Seal.
- Hieroglyph: -1 Ante, -1 Hand each round.
- Upgrade Unlock Requirement: Reach Ante Level 12
- Petroglyph: -1 Ante, -1 Discard each round.
- Director’s Cut: Reroll Boss Blind 1 time per Ante, $10 per roll.
- Upgrade Unlock Requirement: Discover 25 Blinds.
- Retcon: Reroll Boss Blinds unlimited times, $10 per roll.
- Paint Brush: +1 Hand Size.
- Upgrade Unlock Requirement: Reduce your hand size down to 5 cards.
- Palette: +1 Hand Size again.
That’s all 16 Vouchers and their 16 Upgrades. Learning how to use them is up to you, so start up a new run and pray to the RNG gods you’ll get an upgrade.