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Just in time for the 2023 Lantern Rite, Xiao makes his fourth appearance on the Genshin Impact limited banner. Somehow, Xiao is still the only Anemo Polearm character in the game. Compared to the other Anemo characters, Xiao is built to be a Main DPS. He trades crowd control and large AoE Swirl for high damage. If you’re used to Kazuha or Venti, then get ready for a playstyle adjustment.
Genshin Impact: Xiao Talent Guide | Genshin Impact: Xiao Constellation Guide | Genshin Impact Version 3.4 Is Now Live With New Patch Notes
Best Position – Main DPS
Xiao’s damage primarily relies on his Elemental Burst – Bane of All Evil. While under its effects, Xiao gains attack bonuses for his Plunging Attack, converts all Normal Attacks to Anemo DMG, and makes him jump really, really high. In exchange, he loses HP throughout the duration of his Burst.
This man is made to be boosted. If his Burst wasn’t a giveaway, then his Ascension stat is – CRIT Rate. Also, he has a tendency to push enemies away rather than draw them in. Rely on someone else for crowd control. Outside of battle, Xiao is good for exploration due to his Utility Passive and Elemental Skill.
Best Weapons
Prioritize weapons with an ATK%, CRIT Rate%, or CRIT DMG% Bonus Stat. The weapon’s Skill Effect should also provide some sort of ATK Bonus.
5 Star – Primordial Jade Winged-Spear
Rejoice all aesthetic-lovers, because Xiao’s signature weapon is indeed his best. The Primordial Jade Winged-Spear boosts CRIT Rate by a percentage. Additionally, it increases ATK by a percentage for 6 seconds every time the wielder hits an enemy. This can be triggered once every 0.3 seconds and has a max of 7 stacks. If the wielder has all 7 stacks, their DMG increases by a percentage. Basically, you get lots of ATK buffs.
A majority of 5 Star Polearms work well with Xiao. The Staff of Homa, Calamity Queller, and Skyward Spine offer the stats that Xiao needs as well. So if you don’t have the Primordial Jade Winged-Spear, but you have either of the other three, you’ll still have a good build. In a pinch, you could use the Staff of the Scarlet Sands as well.
4 Star – Blackcliff Pole
The Blackcliff Pole increases CRIT DMG by a percentage and increases the wielder’s ATK by 12% after defeating an enemy. The ATK buff lasts for 30 seconds and has a maximum of 3 stacks, bringing the total ATK buff up to 36%. Each stack’s duration is independent of the others – the stacks will never end at the same time, so you may have a 12% ATK bonus for as long as 90 seconds.
Objectively, Deathmatch is the better 4 Star option for Xiao. However, you need to purchase the Battle Pass at least once in order to get it. If you’re primarily F2P or don’t plan on buying the Battle Pass, it’s easier to get the Blackcliff Pole through the Starglitter Exchange. You do have to Wish a certain amount of times, but if you’re patient, you can save up enough Starglitter without buying Primogems.
If you have a full Liyue character party, try the Lithic Spear. If you don’t have any of these Polearms, then go with The Catch for its Energy Recharge and Elemental Burst DMG Bonus.
3 Star – White Tassel
Probably the best of the 3 Star Polearms, the White Tassel increases CRIT Rate by a percentage. Its Skill Effect increases the wielder’s Normal Attack DMG by a percentage. Xiao relies on Normal Attack DMG for his Plunging Attacks, so this is a good option if you don’t have any of the Polearms listed above.
The Halberd can work as well, since it’ll occasionally grant a significant Normal Attack buff – good for Xiao’s Plunging Attack. But for consistency, the White Tassel is a better choice. We don’t talk about the Black Tassel.
Best Artifacts
As a Main DPS, focus on Xiao’s offensive stats. You want Artifacts with a Main Stat of ATK%, Anemo DMG Bonus, CRIT DMG, or CRIT Rate.
The same goes for Substats, though you should keep Xiao’s Energy Recharge in mind. His Burst requires a high Energy Cost. Since you’ll be relying on the Burst for a majority of Xiao’s damage, you want to charge it as quickly as possible. So depending on what you need, focus on ATK%, Energy Recharge, CRIT DMG, and CRIT Rate Substats.
4PC Vermillion Hereafter
Even after two years, the Vermillion Hereafter set is still the best Artifact set for Xiao. Probably because Vermillion was most likely made with Xiao in mind.
At 2 pieces, Vermillion increases ATK by 18%. At 4 pieces, Vermillion grants a buff whenever the equipped character uses their Elemental Burst.
After using an Elemental Burst, Nascent Light takes effect, increasing ATK by 8% for 16 seconds. When the character’s HP decreases, ATK increases again by 10%. This can occur up to 4 times and can be triggered once every 0.8 seconds. Nascent Light will end if the character leaves the field. If the character uses their Elemental Burst again during the duration of Nascent Light, the original Nascent Light will end.
Xiao’s Burst naturally saps his HP, so you’ll receive the 10% ATK bonus. The set can boost Xiao’s ATK by up to 48% through the Nascent Light effect, which is independent of the 2PC 18% ATK buff. So in total, Xiao can receive a maximum 66% ATK bonus.
2PC Viridescent Venerer + 2PC Gladiator’s Finale
This combination increases Xiao’s ATK and Anemo DMG. At 2 pieces, Viridescent Venerer grants a 15% Anemo DMG Bonus. At 2 pieces, Gladiator’s Finale grants an 18% ATK bonus. Both contribute to Xiao’s Burst DMG, since all Normal Attacks are converted to Anemo DMG and all DMG scales off of the ATK stat.
Gladiator’s can be swapped out for Vermillion, just use whichever pieces have better stats.
2PC Gladiator’s Finale + 2PC Vermillion Hereafter
This will give you a 36% ATK bonus. It’s nothing fancy, but it is effective.
Best Teams
Get ready to break out Faruzan, because she is the best partner for Xiao. As an Anemo character, she will help charge Xiao’s Burst. She also provides Anemo DMG buffs to the party. If you have C6 Faruzan, she can operate as Xiao’s battery without another Anemo character. But if your Faruzan is below C6, you’ll want another Anemo character. Jean would be a top pick because of her healing.
If you choose not to include Faruzan, you’ll need at least one other Anemo character on your team. From there, you can mix and match your characters with a focus on keeping Xiao safe while his HP plummets. Geo characters will generate Shields, though you should consider having a Healer Support as well so Xiao doesn’t die after his Burst ends.
Faruzan Teams
Xiao | Faruzan | Sangonomiya Kokomi | Raiden Shogun |
Xiao | Faruzan | Xingqiu | Bennett |
Xiao | Faruzan | Diona | Kuki Shinobu |
Anemo/Geo Teams
Xiao | Jean | Albedo | Zhongli |
Xiao | Heizou | Arataki Itto | Gorou |
Xiao | Sucrose | Noelle | Yun Jin |