Five Nights At Freddy’s: Security Breach has had a rocky launch — the game is packed with bugs and design hiccups. One of the biggest mistakes is the Mazercise Puzzle, which is both complicated and confusing. On my first attempt, I somehow solved it in ten minutes. On my second attempt, it took over an hour. Some players are reporting struggling with this complex puzzle for two hours or more! And I totally get it.
If you saved this area for the overtime mode past 6AM, you may have to solve it multiple times. This is easily the most absurdly difficult (and thankfully optional) sequence in the entire game. If you’re sick of struggling to unravel one of the most annoying puzzles ever, we’ve got a quick-and-dirty solution for you. This puzzle isn’t just a problem for us. The entire FNaF’s internet is hating on it. Here’s the solution.
More Five Nights At Freddy’s: Security Breach guides:
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How To Solve The Mazercise Puzzle | Solution Guide

The puzzle works by moving the different tiles on the maze horizontally or vertically. By flipping the switch, you change the button inputs to move the tiles left / right or up / down. The top row is up / left, and the bottom row is down / right.
- Use the switch to flip betweeen Horizontal / Vertical controls.
- Use the Fazwatch camera function to check out the maze from the control room. Your goal is to get the Green Square on the vent location, with the Blue Cross in the position to the right.
This puzzle is incredibly annoying and absurdly difficult. If you want to solve it, follow these exact instructions as provided as shared by Steam User Schlumbus.
- Vertical: Up – Press #3 Button three times.
- Horizontal: Left – Press #1 Button one time.
- Vertical: Up – Press #3 Button three times.
- Horizontal: Left – Press #1 Button two times.
- Horizontal: Right – Press #2 Button three times.
You have to input these settings exactly after resetting your save file. If you make even one mistake, you’ll need to reload — or try to work your way back by checking the camera and seeing if you can still solve it. I recommend just reloading.