If you want to catch every Pokemon in Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl, you’re going to need something better than a standard Pokemon for battles — you’re going to need to make yourself an official Pokemon Catcher. A Pokemon Catcher is a Pokemon decked out with the right moves to make catching a lot easier. There’s only a handful of Pokemon that are the correct choice for such a task, and we’re going to explain how to get one of these guys. Really, you only need one of them, but they make ‘mon hunting so much easier. Like, incredibly so. Don’t rely on luck-of-the-throw. Get yourself a Catcher Pokemon detailed below.
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How To Make Catching Pokemon Easier | Best Pokemon Catcher Guide
There are two favorite choices for Catcher Pokemon — Pokemon made specifically to help catch other Pokemon. Marowak is an old community favorite, but he’s outclassed in this remake. Marowak can only be captured during a Swarm event. There are better ways (and better Pokemon) to make your primary Catcher.
- Catcher Pokemon Strategy | The Basics:
- There are certain Pokemon that are very good as Catcher Pokemon for a simple reason. The following Pokemon can learn False Swipe and Spore. Spore is a 100% Acc paralyzing move.
- Use Spore to paralyze, and lower enemy Pokemon to 1 HP with False Swipe. While paralyzed and with only 1 HP, Pokemon are at their most vulnerable and are much easier to catch.
The goal is to gain a Pokemon that has both Spore and False Swipe. Spore can only be learned naturally, but False Swipe can be purchased.
- How To Get TM54: False Swipe – Can be purchased in Veilstone City, in the Department Store. Talk to the upper NPC on 3F. False Swipe is a Normal Attack that always leaves the opponent with 1 HP. You can never knock out an opponent with False Swipe.
Once you have False Swipe, you’ll then need to hunt for one of the following three Pokemon. These three Pokemon are ideal as a Capture Pokemon, but all of them can be tricky to get. Trade and transfer to get your hands on these Pokemon earlier.
- Best Catcher Pokemon In Gen 4:
- Gallade: The easiest to find, but not necessarily the best. Learn how to get a Gallade with the full guide below.
- Shroomish: Found in the Grand Marsh. After acquiring the National Pokedex, it can be found as a daily Binocular Pokemon.
- Paras: Found in the Grand Marsh. After acquiring the National Pokedex, it can be found as a daily Binocular Pokemon.
The easiest choice is Gallade, but getting one requires a little knowledge. Let’s break down how to get your new favorite Pokemon Catcher. Gallade also can’t learn Spore — only Paras, Parasect, and Shroomish can learn Spore. But Gallade can naturally learn False Swipe.
- How To Get A Gallade For Your Team:
- Catch Ralts on Route 208, Route 209, or Route 212. Make sure to catch a Male Ralts. Ralts appears 15%-20% of the time in tall grass.
- Evolve to Kirlia at Level 20, then use a Dawn Star to evolve into Gallade.
- To get a Dawn Star: Return to Route 225 with Rock Climb and reach it near Dragon Tamer Geoffrey.
That makes Gallade the easiest Catcher Pokemon. To make him better, level up Kirlia to Level 50 to unlock Hypnosis. It can take a very long time to make Gallade perfect, but not too long if you’re just looking for a False Swipe machine. Bring in another Pokemon to do the paralyzing. When you can, get Paras / Shroomish — they can have Spore AND False Swipe.