Pulling Down The Star Destroyer [Star Wars: The Force Unleashed]
I have no idea what went wrong here. Let’s get something straight right off the bat — I really like Star Wars: The Force Unleashed. This 360-era action game lets you zap and blast armies of stormtroopers with enhanced force powers, and it has some pretty impressive deformation technology under the hood. Objects bend and crack realistically when you use Force Push, and sending a platoon of bad guys flying off a ledge on the Death Star is still fun.
But there’s one sequence anyone that’s playing this game won’t forget. It should’ve been a moment of supreme coolness — our force-wielding hero uses his power to pull down an entire Star Destroyer. If only the controls weren’t completely unintuitive. I’ve done this sequence multiple times, and I still have no idea which direction you’re supposed to pull the Star Destroyer. Down seems right, but that doesn’t work!
So you’re stuck getting blasted by super-cannons, fiddling with the controls and praying this weird QTE will just end already.

Boost Guardian Boss [Metroid Prime 2]
The most hated boss in the entire Metroid Prime Trilogy and for good reason. Metroid Prime 2 is the black sheep of the three games, and that’s mostly down to the Dark Aether. In this alternate dimension, the player’s health is constantly sapped until you’re dead. When you’re in the Dark Aether, you’re on borrowed time.
So who wants to fight a boss completely stuck in the Dark Aether? The Boost Guardian is considered one of the hardest bosses in the series because you’re just not equipped to deal with it. At this point in the story, you’ll only have access to a few Energy Tanks — and that’s if you’ve been looking for extras. There’s no cover, and in the Gamecube version of the game, the creature’s ink puddle attack drained your health absurdly fast. Like — you’d love 100 health in just two seconds of exposure.
And might I remind you, your health is being drained every second you’re fighting this thing? Why was it designed this way!
That covers 10 of our least-favorite segments in games we loved. There’s a lot more little (and big) annoyances in games, so let us know what moments you hated most from the games you fave.