Riovanes Castle [Final Fantasy Tactics]
One of the most infamous stumbling points in any video game — Riovanes Castle has tricked plenty of players into wrecking their entire story runs in Final Fantasy Tactics. If you’re not prepared, you can save in a completely unwinnable spot with no way of going back or grinding. That isn’t even the most aggravating part! The worst is that this is an escort mission.
Once you appear on Riovanes Castle Rooftop, you’ll have to fight two deadly Assassins and the boss of the castle. These high-level enemies can swoop in and murder the person you’re trying to protect fast. If you’re too under-leveled, the bad guys can even kill your ally before your first turn. And even with grinding, the NPC you’re trying to protect can make bone-headed decisions and get themselves killed while you’re doing your best to defend them. Old games like Final Fantasy: Tactics could be ridiculously brutal.

Saving All The Teddy Bears [Jet Force Gemini]
Jet Force Gemini feeds our primal desire to splatter bugs in chunky N64 quality 3D graphics — and modern players like us got to experience it thanks to the Rare Replay collection on modern Xbox consoles. It’s a fun action-platformer that takes an infamous nosedive at the very end. You’re having fun, shooting up giant alien insects, and progressing at a steady clip while saving the little “Tribal” teddy bears. Everything is looking good so far.
Until you reach the end. Before you can actually face the final boss and complete the game, you have to find all the teddy bears in the game. All of them. Normally finding collectibles is required for a better ending, or just for an optional reward. Here? It’s 100% required! And it isn’t easy, either. Some teddy bears appear in locations where they’ll die if you don’t immediately save them. Don’t know where to find them? Well, too bad. They’re gone and you didn’t even know it.
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