Sony Is Lending Indie Developers Free PS Vita Dev Kits
Sony is encouraging the indie development scene by loaning out free dev kits for their new PS Vita handheld.
Sony is encouraging the indie development scene by loaning out free dev kits for their new PS Vita handheld.
Gears of War 3 Horde Mode 2.0 adds a few novel ideas to Horde Mode without reinventing the wheel.
Sony has revealed that their new handheld can be used as a PS3 controller, allowing the features of the device to add extra dimensions of gamepaly to PS3 titles.
Not even id's John Carmack is entirely sure what it is either, and he is significantly more intelligent than I am.
Japanese MMO Tiara Concerto Online shows the rise of Native American inspired cat girls.
Square Enix has picked up the rights of True Crime: Hong Kong from Activision and resuming development of the game.
Valve has just announced The International, the first ever Dota 2 championship and public showing of the game.
Battlefield 3 will feature an online pass type of system that requires a single use key.
The New York Times Best Selling author Andy McNab will be lending his writing skills to EA for a new Battlefield 3 novel.
The team behind Shadows of the Damned has signed an agreement with Warner Bros. to publish their next game.
Apple is rumored to be launching its new device sometime in October, not September as previously speculated.
The creator of the Grandia series and founder of G-Mode has suddenly passed away.
The second chapter in Starcraft II's story will consist of
CD Projekt has announced the release date for The Witcher 2 on Xbox 360 has been pushed back a few months.
Blizzard has announced that Diablo 3 will have an auction house that uses real money, and some other horrible things too.
Blizzard held a press event this weekend, allowing press to get a good luck at some solid Diablo 3 gameplay.
8-week project to learn about video game development leads to World 1-4 from SMB being recreated with the power of the Unreal Engine.
Nintendo posts huge losses, leading Satoru Iwata to slash his own pay.
The Agents of Change DLC for Brink will be available on the Xbox LIVE, PSN and PC on August 3.
The DOTA-clone Heroes of Newerth is now free to play.
Duke Nukem Forever's new patch will be adding new weapon slots so Duke can carry more guns.
The creators of Crysis are apparently working on a new game with a new intellectual property.
The Resistance 3 public multiplayer beta will start up on August 4th, says Insomniac Games.
While it doesn't give you super strength or heat vision or even the ability to fly through buildings as Superman probably could, they do let you fly, and turn you into the Man of Steel himself.