Latest Killer Is Dead Trailer Reveals An Alien Invasion
Once again, Suda 51 manages to surprise us all.
Once again, Suda 51 manages to surprise us all.
"If there's one thing that the pixels are allowing us to do, it's for deeper conspiracies."
And rockets. That game could really use those as well.
This isn't an April Fools joke. It's the customization you always wanted.
The box art for Grand Theft Auto 5 will be released this week.
Ubisoft releases a teaser trailer for Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon
The game's creative director talks about overcoming
As part of a cost cutting restructuring Sony has fused two of its divisions.
Far Cry 3's writer looks at character motivation and method acting within games.
Unlike the PS3 Sony's next console will get a global release this year says retailer.
The sins of this generation aren't to be repeated.
Digital content has taken a leap forward over the past couple of years.
More eggs than you can shake a stick at.
A mural in Manhattan will reveal Grand Theft Auto 5’s box art.
Purported multiplayer features have been detailed for the upcoming code-named Call of Duty: Ghosts.
Meet the guys McCain needs to take down.
Lego City's very own damsel in distress.
Get Tomb Raider for half the RRP.
AMD returns fire, but with a bit more tact.
Some of these games have even won awards.
A few surprises are revealed when Capcom asks fans what their favorite characters are.