Watch Dogs Devs Gush Over PS4’s Power
Just how powerful is the PlayStation 4? The developers behind Watch Dogs explain.
Just how powerful is the PlayStation 4? The developers behind Watch Dogs explain.
Here's a simple solution to the trophy syncing bug on the PlayStation 4.
A list of many easter eggs in inFamous: Second Son.
The handheld sequel will debut on the 3DS at the end of April, how will it fare under High Voltage's supervision?
Publisher Square Enix has posted a lengthy blogpost explaining why you should become a subscriber of FFXIV: A Realm Reborn.
Creative Director Jonathan Morin gamely took fan questions, although he did not always have answers for them.
With no Error 37 in sight.
Professor Brad Bushman is at it again, this time tackling race issues in the world of video games.
Although the game is in development for Xbox One, Blizzard can't confirm its release.
Developer Sucker Punch has your back, even when your controller runs out of juice.
The map packs are free so the community isn't split apart.
The most dynamic striker in the game today has just been added to EA Sports UFC.
Bethesda has revealed the official launch times for The Elder Scrolls Online.
The maniacal swashbuckler can go all commando like in the old days, if you want him to.
Did you see that rumor pop up online too? Hold your horses, turns out the whole thing was a scam.
Find out how to make your way around Majula, making your odyssey that much clearer, if not easier.
Plus, Solas is 100 % confirmed.
Playstation 3 owners came in late to the Minecraft party, but 4J made sure they were caught up to speed.
That's not all, either. We may also already know what the 5th companion looks like too.
Adam Orth said a few things that the gaming community didn't appreciate, and he's finally ready to talk about the issue.
'It's a bit like working with an unlimited budget because we can't fill the memory budget on PS4.'
Dean Hall confirms that a patch is on the way.
The consensus is she'll be back and as evil as ever (maybe worse).
Assassin's Creed 5 will be titled, "Unity" and will launch holiday 2014.