Ubisoft will be bringing Assassin Creed IV’s Jackdaw to SDCC 2013
will also have recreated Chicago in Ubisoft booth for Watch_Dogs
will also have recreated Chicago in Ubisoft booth for Watch_Dogs
1st half will come January 2014 to Steam Early Access to cover remaining costs
latest dev diary tackles religion, also reveals July preorder DLC
jokes not to treat report too negatively
explains yesterday's message was from forum moderator and not an employee
Hopes to duplicate success in browser to mobile space
pictures show more of Lightning's home base
game will be a free download, with paid tickets to use hourly, daily or monthly
Play demo today to be eligible for qualifier
self-titled game is completely free, no in app purchases
Details how difficulty adversely affected overall game experience
deals will run for July 2-9, and July 9-16
Game breaking bugs make it impossible to finish game
reemphasizes importance of games over console's power
removes inadvertent real life hotline, fixes multiplayer
Five year contract to Moon with Mastiff expiring next year
Cerny has had a hand in building Sony's consoles starting with the PS2
to be made by Mike Diskett and 5 Lives Studios
part of Jesse Schell's talk in Gamelab 2013
needs more time in development, comes with myriad of other additions
also announces Oceanic Season 3 tournament
board member and management reordering goes through as planned
Ambitious project will benefit from full production budget
funding will be used to speed up development, English localization planned