Battlefield 4 Mantle Patch Delayed To Prioritize Fixing Game
AMD has announced the Mantle patch will not be coming up until January. Will DICE have fixed all the game's issues by then?
AMD has announced the Mantle patch will not be coming up until January. Will DICE have fixed all the game's issues by then?
Series creator Shu Takumi also hinted at working on a new game, so he may or may not be on board.
PS4 and Xbox One owners are paying as much for this one as the 1st version. SE justified their decision.
Love's latest is a dating sim with a twist - one that's all too real. It's also got a name longer than all the letters in the alphabet.
More information is trickling in on details about the upcoming F2P PS4 exclusive.
For now, the company will have to recover quickly to continue support and work on their breadwinner, the Joe Danger series.
Rockstar Games has promised a fix to GTA Online to bring pending justice to the hackers who've ruined the game's economy.
DICE's storyline has compelled the Chinese government to take action. It makes one wonder how EA's China studio is doing.
After five days, Nintendo has restored full functionality to their network.
Nintendo may have finally addressed one of the biggest gripes with the system in two minutes.
Slightly Mad Studios working to make the game the best it can be on the system, also interested in the Share button.
Half SMG, half assault rifle, the MTAR-X is a powerful gun that warrants deliberate and careful use.
DICE's desire to push their key FPS franchise to the newer consoles has worked against them.
You don't move the hero forward, but rather the world around him with your fingers.
The MSBS has been profiled here before as one of the most effective guns in the game, Truth be told, you have to earn that effectiveness.
It would appear EA's investors across the country are rapidly taking action on recent allegations.
The demo Steam Machine is certainly capable, but not as OP as fans may have thought it would be in their minds.
The game is getting a companion app, and will use the Dualshock 4's touchpad and Share button
Military paper Zhongguo Guofangbao points to Western propensity for cultural insensitivity, although Chinese gamers disagree.
Two unfortunate loyalists learn the whole truth too late after going through the trouble of a next gen upgrade.
Players who sprung extra for wheel controllers also get additional support.
While Gearbox makes us wait for an official reissue, Oxide gives us a sneak peek at what 8th gen Homeworld could look like - as well as showing off Mantle.
Digital Bros and Starbreeze AB sign a new contract that is completely on the level to ensure even more content for the next two years.
Ubisoft also said to be planning a rescope of the franchise, which may be a smart choice following Black Flag's financial performance.