Riot Games Details Jhin, The New League Of Legends Champion
Reactions from the community have been lukewarm.
Reactions from the community have been lukewarm.
The game's content strategy is still a bit too vague.
Gameranx checks out what Jagex has to offer with their latest game.
Now the series will be available on all three major platforms.
Rise of the Tomb Raider and The Witcher 3 lead with 8 nominations each.
The film is titled ‘Rainbow Six: Real Life.’
The title has a development history almost as tumultuous as the fictional America it depicts.
The music takes on a whole different level when there's an 80-man choir involved.
Your favorite Lambax and Robot get a current-gen treatment.
The developer explains the game's journey.
The company already has two major releases scheduled for this year.
At least one title will be playable for up to 10 hours.
This shouldn't come as a surprise.
This is the third year in a row they've raised more than $1 million.
He also mentions the longest he's been in VR is 16 hours.
There's still no solid release date or price tag, unfortunately.
This is one of the more exciting recent Humble Bundles.
The mod makes sense, considering the first-person parkour gameplay both games share.
Both prior Witcher games also received an enhanced edition.
Although some may find it a bit too helpful.
He would like to return to indie game development.
The discussion covered everything from the game's genre to its lack of multiplayer.
These comments come just a week before the original's release on PC.