Hogwarts Legacy Devs Promise No Microtransactions
Because gouging players is the opposite of magical.
Because gouging players is the opposite of magical.
And be sure to claim those Primogems while you can!
The first open-world Harry Potter game is almost here.
Series X/S players might be waiting a while.
Can you wreck some spooky ghosts with your best buds?
The transparent new post addresses progression, future updates, and botting.
The hype isn't going to settle down any time soon.
The broadcast will highlight the new Hydro user Ayato and what more to expect in the next update.
Sony has confirmed that the PC release is coming this year.
Hey, in the gamesphere, a two-day delay is nothing.
It's unsure what this partnership may lead to in the future.
The trailer shows off the graphical improvements...or does it?
The responses are going to be ROUGH.
Looks like there's plenty more where that came from.
The devs aren't slacking this year.
We're all ready for the sorting ceremony, right?
Campbell portrayed Ash Williams in the original film franchise.
Aaron Keller is sorry for the wait.
A new Feature Presentation store will be selling exclusive merch soon too.
The live performance will debut in Tokyo on March 26.
The world's largest games show will be held from August 24-28.