Curious to see what EA is planning with Battlefield Premium later at their E3 press conference? Wonder no more, as the trailer for BF Premium has been leaked well ahead of schedule.
While the trailer itself doesn't reveal any info that we don't already know of thanks to the service's leaked fact sheet, at least we know now that the fact sheet was indeed the real deal.
I also have to commend DICE on their trailers. They always make war and gunfights look sexy.
I suggest watching this as quickly as possible, as EA has been a copyright spree to take down the video as quick as they can — a given — since this is undoubtedly one of the highlights of their presser later.
The trailer states that Battlefield Premium will be out "today;" and by that, I think it means the service will be available immediately after EA's E3 press conference has wrapped up.
Give the trailer a watch and tell us if it's convincing enough to entice players to plunk down the cash for BF Premium.