Gearbox’s Borderlands series will be getting the silver screen treatment when it’s turned into a movie, it has been revealed.
The film adaptation will be handled by Aaron Berg, who’s also penning the script for the upcoming G.I. Joe 3. Berg previously wrote Section 6, a take on the British MI6. The Borderlands movie is being produced by Arad Productions.
The Hollywood Reporter picked up on the news that the upcoming movie will be like “Mad Max in space,” which sounds about right. Sources from the movie describe it as being an “edgy, R-rated take” on the Borderlands franchise, which is pretty edgy, sexual and violent as it is. At least they aren’t dumbing it down to a PG-13 rating.
“Borderlands has a unique story-driven narrative energy and rich multi-dimensional characters that position it to become a singular motion picture event,” read the original press annoucnement.