There’s been a trend going on with Fire Emblem Engage over the last month or so. Instead of doing major trailers to flesh out the game, Nintendo has been releasing “introductions” for the various characters you’ll meet throughout the game. It started with the core group of characters we met in the initial reveal trailer. Then, it began to expand to other characters you would interact with. We recently looked at the mother of the main character and a mysterious stranger you’ll encounter. Now, we look at a set of princes from another kingdom you’ll meet. But who are they, and what side are they on?
The two princes hail from the land of Brodia, and their names are Diamant and Alcryst. Diamant is the firstborn prince, and Alcryst is the second-born prince. The official description of Brodia talks about how the land is military-focused:
“It’s a prosperous and mighty nation ruled by Morion the Conqueror who values pride and power. Frequently clashes with the neighbouring country of Elusia, home to followers of the Fell Dragon.”
The Fell Dragon is the main antagonist of the game alongside its followers. That would imply that Brodia would be an easy ally to the main character, Alear, as they would want to get rid of their enemies as quickly as possible.
As for the princes, Diamant is groomed to be the next king. His actions have earned him the trust of the people of Brodia. He is honest, strong, and very serious with his actions. He also holds his father, Morion, in high esteem.
Meanwhile, Alcryst is a young man with lower self-esteem. He often compares himself to his brother and is rather pessimistic about things, including his own abilities. That being said, he is a sociable fellow and knows how to stand up for himself when the time comes.
In battle, Diamant wields a sword, while Alcryst uses a bow to fight enemies, further showing the differences between the two. The video below shows them interacting with Alear and their allies.
Given the recent story trailer, we can say that Alear will need all the help they can get to slay the Fell Dragon for good and end the conflict in the land. With more introductions like these, we’ll soon have a clear picture of who we’ll get to have at our party and the shape the game will take as we progress.
Fire Emblem Engage arrives on November 20th!
Source: Serenes Forest