There are never any shortages of rumors or insider leaks for the game industry. Thanks to the pandemic, several anticipated games that were already unveiled have been pushed back. However, this also leads to some delays for game announcements likely already planned. For a few years now, fans have been eagerly awaiting the announcement of Grand Theft Auto 6. So far, there’s been nothing unveiled yet. Although, we have consistently seen new reports go out about what fans should expect.
While the major gaming events and expos have come and gone for 2021, some fans are hopeful that GTA news is inbound. It might not happen this year, but there is always the chance that early 2022 could be the setting for that next major announcement. Grand Theft Auto 6 once again has sparked quite a bit of attention online. An industry insider named AccNGT on Twitter gave some new information out. This insider recently had a big game unveiled that they previously leaked. I’m, of course, referring to Star Wars Eclipse.
Now the industry insider has chimed in on Grand Theft Auto 6. According to the insider, the development cycle has been chaotic. Apparently, there are likely going to be plenty of disappointed fans for different aspects of Grand Theft Auto 6. However, to make things even more alarming, AccNGT warns fans to be worried about the game if it’s unveiled this year or early 2022. If development has been that rough, it might mean going through 2022 without any Grand Theft Auto 6 announcement.
Unfortunately, nothing more was unveiled about what problems Rockstar Games might be having. Fans clearly want to experience the next major installment after waiting all this time. Grand Theft Auto V is nearly ten years old at this point, so hopefully, we’ll get some kind of an official announcement on the game. But, for now, it’s purely a waiting game.