Media Molecule’s highly anticipated creative title, Dreams is finally here and to celebrate the (early) release of the game, the developers released a special launch trailer for the game!
The trailer is super short, but it showcases the beautiful imagination possibilites that Dreams is known for. Players will be treated to a slew of tools that will allow them to create epic games, stories, or scenarios all from their own imagination. Dreams is going to be a special game and those who create will be recognized for their hard work!
Check out the epic launch trailer for Media Molecule’s highly antipcated title, Dreams down below:
In related news, Media Molecule recently announced that early access members will be receiving the full game a couple of days ahead of its official release. Yes, if you own early access version of Dreams, you will be treated to the full game on February 11th, instead of the 14th.
You will be treated to the new content drop that will launch alongside the official release of the game which will include a full feature film, new creator kits, and much more! Learn more about the full launch of Dreams right here!
Dreams is set to release officially on February 14th, 2020 for the PS4. Are you excited to jump into the creative game? Let us know in the comments below!