The Tomb Raider franchise has been around since the original PlayStation and over the years we’ve seen new video game installments, remakes, reboots along with movie adaptations. When it comes to films, in 2018 we receive a reboot of the film series that was previously fronted by actress Angelina Jolie in the early 2000s. Now the leading heroine is Alicia Vikander who started her journey as a feeble character turned into a strong heroine with the initial Lara Croft adventure. In a lot of ways, the film followed the video game franchise reboot from Crystal Dynamics in 2013.
Now the video game franchise seems to be lying dormant after the reboot trilogy ended, we can at least prepare for a new film. After the 2018 release, there were some talks of a sequel, but now it looks like a director and release date has been attached to the project. For fans of the first installment, you can expect actress Alicia Vikander to reprise her role as Laura Croft, though what her new adventure will entail remains a mystery for now. What’s not a mystery anymore is the director behind this film which will be Ben Wheatley.
You may have seen Ben’s previous works such as Free Fire, Kill List, and High-Rise. This upcoming film installment will see Amy Jump covering the script who also previously worked on the films mentioned as well. As for when you can potentially see this film in theaters, the release date right now has been set for March 19, 2021. This is rather positive for the film right now, but things can change rather quickly as is evident from the Uncharted Film which recently lost its director.
Source: Deadline