As some might recall, the New York Times best selling holy bible that covers all things related to The Legend Of Zelda has two edition: the standard one and a Limited Edition. The latter was extremely difficult to obtain, due to the fact that only 4,000 copies were produced. Yet somehow, someone on the internet was able to obtain 40 copies. Which he is trying to sell on Craiglist, naturally. Or was.
According to Destructoid, which cites both NeoGAF and Reddit in their write-up, the person in question goes by Tommy98118. And as they also point out, when one considers the number of LEs that were printed as a whole, and the number of copies that this individual was able to obtain, this person was able to get ahold of exactly 1% of the entire run.
No word on how he was able to get so many. One theory is that he made the trek to the New York City launch, which was the only way to get a copy after pre-orders had sold out on Amazon many months ago. Considering that Tommy98118 is apparently a native of Seattle, that's quite the trip.
Though one has to imagine that if someone in line tried buying 40 copies, a full-scale beat down would have ensued. At any rate, virtually no one has anything kind to say about the person and his attempt at making money. The top comment on Reddit really says it all:
"I'm so happy Amazon decided to cancel my order because they ran out of stock and decided to ship this fuckwad 30 copies instead."
The Craiglist ad has been pulled, more than likely due to the negative publicity. Though you can be certain that he will definitely sell them all. By the way, interested parties should note that the standard edition with the green cover actually looks better than the faux leather cover of the Limited Edition. As well as much cheaper as well.