New music cliaming to be from the third installment of the Final Fantasy XIII trilogy has surfaced online, a few days after art and other details have been revealed.
Two tracks have been uploaded on Youtube by the account LRFFXIIIMusic. A third track is available from MeRuleDaWorld.
Full versions of the two tracks–called "Lumina's Theme" and "A Journey Through Four Islands"– are available online. The third track is called "Crimson Blitz."
The music spans many different genres, from house to new age/folk to typical Final Fantasy fare. It's tough to say exactly how the music will be received by audiences, but the comments on "Lumina's Theme" are fairly negative.
This comes in the same week that many other details about Lightning Retuns: Final Fantasy XIII have been revealed, including the first glimpses of artwork, and rumors that Square Enix is considering releasing a trilogy pack once Lightning Returns launches.