Hero-U: Rogue to Redemption, an upcoming game from the designers behind Quest for Glory, has managed to scrape past its funding goal on Kickstarter. A total of 6,093 backers contributed $409,150, just a fraction over the desired amount of $400,000, presumably causing the team a fair bit of stress along the way. Yesterday, for instance, the campaign was still around $17,000 away from its goal.
Hero-U will be a turn-based RPG, with adventure game-style puzzles, for PC, Mac, and Linux. According to the Kickstarter page, the game “combines the rich character relationships, story and puzzles of a classic adventure game with the exploration and excitement of a role-playing game” for “a completely unique game experience”.
Now that the campaign has reached its goal, the team is turning its fundraising efforts on stretch goals. For the next few months, you'll be able to contribute via PayPal, and if the total hits $500,000 the team will begin to add more features to the game. At that level, players will get to have a “Companion Meep”, which is apparently “a Tamagotchi-like pet that you need to feed, groom, and be nice to”. At $600,000, the game gets voice acting, and at $700,000 it'll be localised for those who speak French, Italian, German, or Spanish.
Excited about the prospect of a RPG crossed with an adventure game? Or worried the team won't be able to pull it off?