Detailed Skyrim Costume Concept Art Surfaces
Admit it - you’re still all over Skyrim like a small Chihuahua is all over chewing up your $80 headphones. Good thing some new concept art has surfaced to keep your affections.
Admit it - you’re still all over Skyrim like a small Chihuahua is all over chewing up your $80 headphones. Good thing some new concept art has surfaced to keep your affections.
Could Valve be teasing us with a possible Half Life 3 ARG? Probably not! But the theory itself is pretty interesting.
Good news for Australian gamers, and even better news for those who got landed with one of those mainly useless T-Box doohickeys - Australia could quite possibly be getting a streaming games service.
Child’s Play has raised $1.5million so far this year, and has passed $10million in total donations.
Obsidian Entertainment are huge fans of digital distribution.
I’m not even going to lie, I’m so excited about South Park: The Game that I’m not against just giving Obsidian my wallet and telling them to go hog wild - and with recent news of Paper Mario elements making it into the game as well, it just gets better.
Naughty Dog wants to redefine videogames with their upcoming zombie-themed game.
Ultima Online creator Richard Garriott is working on a new game.
The Indie Royale Xmas Bundle offers another set of games at a very reasonable price.
Developers CD Projekt are tracking IP addresses and demanding money and apparently it's paying off.
The regional Pokemon tournaments were recently held, it was intense. Pokemon isn't just for kids.
This probably doesn't include the free Backwards Dragon DLC they released shortly after launch.
And joins an elite club of iconic franchises.
And it wasn't just the bad jokes and uninteresting guest hosts that managed to annoy them.
Battlefield 3 has wound up some powerful people in Iran for its depiction of a US assault on Tehran. Iranian developers are gathering to create a retaliatory game, "Attack on Tel Aviv."
China is a wonderful land of often hilarious, low quality rip-offs - It even has it’s own rip-off themepark. So are we really surprised someone in China has already ripped off the Vita?
Alan Wake was cancelled for PC despite garnering positive reaction. Now, a glimmer of hope that it may still get released.
Gearbox has some Duke Nukem Forever DLC coming our way soon with both single and multiplayer options.
There’s only really one thing that can get me away from Skryim, and that’s bacon. The man behind Epic Meal Time, Harley Morenstein, took it one step further, however, and became the Baconborn.
Fan-favourite Rush is back with a trio of tracks, along with a couple of budget tracks from Black Veil Brides and Volbeat
If you’re like me and currently located in Australia, a country well known for thinking that grown adults are children and shouldn’t be allowed to play ‘grown up’ games, you’ll be interested to know there’s a new guy in charge.