Over 5 Million Log Into Steam At Once, Valve Rolling in Money
Steam has hit over 5 million concurrent players. I, for one, welcome our overlords at Valve with open arms.
Steam has hit over 5 million concurrent players. I, for one, welcome our overlords at Valve with open arms.
Fans of the horror series Silent Hill will be able to get their hands on the next game this coming March.
Star Wars: The Old Republic just got better. Heaps better. ‘Dance out of trouble’ better.
All signs point to a successful MMO
Another return to the Belmont family in 2012, with the semi-confirmation that a sequel could be on the way.
Forget everything about previous Nintendo store efforts, rumours lead us to believe their next attempt may be the best.
Start 2012 with a little bit of time travelling, both Back to the Future and back to the PS1
Despite hints from EA that Mass Effect 3 could be rated as an 18, the BBFC rates it as a 15.
The event won't be related to the iPad 3 or Apple's plans for interactive TV, which means the news is likely publishing related.
Some titles, like Microsoft's Wreckateer, are new and mysterious, while others, like Grashopper Manufacture's Sine Mora, might be available sooner than we previously thought.
Strong holiday sales have pushed Nintendo's once-struggling handheld past yet another milestone.
The tone and visuals of Obisidan's RPG adaptation seem like a perfect fit for the source material.
It's Skyrim in Lego form. We wish we could play with these.
More evidence has piled up to indicate that a co-op based sequel is on the way from Warren Spector's Junction Point Studios.
Rockstar's GTA 5 will be its most successful game yet, according to analysts.
Christmas is over and we’ve entered the New Year - but the New Year is a special time of looking at other people’s Christmas decorations and thinking ‘why the hell didn’t I do that?’ Such is the case with this awesome Katamari Christmas ball.
Often dismissed as a really good idea for a game made by a fan, Pokemon Generation 0 is actually going to happen.
Stuck in line at the grocery store? Tried to Fus Roh Dah everyone out of your way? No one taking you seriously? Maybe you need a helmet - and now, you can make your own!
I liked them, this man did not.