The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages and Oracle of Seasons out now on 3DS eShop
Purchase the two Capcom developed Zelda titles before the prices increase.
Purchase the two Capcom developed Zelda titles before the prices increase.
Nintendo announced a Wii U battery replacement for Japan, Nyko provides another alternative.
Square Enix to focus on Lightning Returns at E3 posters suggest.
It's all about the games, and the people who make then, without all of that other nonsense.
Konami shows off glimpses of PES 2014 in their brand new FOX Engine and pontificates the emotion we go through in the beautiful game.
Will lightning strike twice?
The team behind Assassin's Creed 4 talk about how they collaborate amongst themselves throughout their seven studios worldwide.
And they seem to do a better job than many "traditional" news outlets.
But the question remains as to whether we’ll get it or not.
Members of the Dragon Age 3 team are also working on the next Mass Effect title.
Major changes are coming to Halo 4 in its next patch.
The once unstoppable MMO has taken a turn, according to Take-Two.
XCOM: Enemy Unknown supports cloud saves across the iPad and iPhone.
The undead are 'immensely profitable' Zelnick adds.
Guerrilla Games is excited for a bright future on the PlayStation 4.
Next entry in the Far Cry series could come as early as next year.
More screens for Pikmin 3 have been discovered.
The pre-order bonuses for PayDay 2 have been revealed.
Crysis 3 is leaving the Liberty Dome behind.
A whole new way to give and take gold is being added to Civ 5.
You can now participate in the beta stress test for Company of Heroes 2.
Looking for an Online Pass? It might be time to check the Marketplace.
A behind-the-scenes mocap video of Watch Dogs depicts the violence which Aidan, the game's protagonist, is capable of delivering.
David Hayter may be returning to MGS 5 as the series' protagonist.