Treyarch's newly put-together trailer of Black Ops 2 has unveiled a startling (or perhaps not so startling, depending on how much attention you've been paying to the game) amount of information about the contents of its multiplayer modes.
Among some of the more obvious details contained within the trailer is the fact that it's NOT all futuristic, with some multiplayer maps seemingly taking place in 1980s Afghanistan.
Here are some of the sexy, nitty-gritty (which is in contrast to 'sexy') details we've spotted in the trailer that you might've missed from all the excitement of watching it:
* The biggest ever addition to multiplayer is the inclusion of more than 2 teams in a game. Can anyone say "multi-team deathmatch"?
* Timed Explosives.
* Deployable Shields.
* Noticeably absent from previous games, bolt action sniper rifles make a strong appearance this time around.
* Dive bomber UAVs
* Penetrating bullets! Note the sniper's quad-kill around 1:28.
* Intelligent missile launchers. 0:56
* Thermal sensors can be used to see enemies behind objects. 0:22
* Previously seen in Modern Warfare 3, EMP grenades are a new addition to Black Ops 2. 0:14
* Dolphin diving is back. Hopefully it's not as imbalancing as it was in previous games—assuming its implementation sticks.
* Tomahawks are back as thrown weapons.
* Classes and loadouts in the game appear to be projected on a sort of virtual screen this time around.
* MASER sentries. One of these non-lethal heat ray-emitting cannons can be seen deployed by the player.
* Mechs! Seriously.
Black Ops 2 is set to come out on the PC, XBox 360 and PlayStation 3 on November 13.
If you missed the video, you can watch it here.