In the introductory series of Civilization VI factions, the team over at Firaxis Games shows off the historic leaders of these nations at the center of it. Today we see Germany’s Civilization, as it was led by Frederick Barbarossa.
The Holy Roman Emperor strengthened Germany’s position in Western Europe by both challenging the authority of the Pope, but still practicing in the Christian faith all the meanwhile. Barbossa’s strong military focus provides an extra military policy slot for government, plus an overall bonus in combat versus city-state units. The free Imperial Cities bonus gives Germany one more district beyond the boundaries set by population limits. Their unique district, the Hansa, is an industrial zone replacement that grants additional production output when placed alongside a commercial hub (plus other adjacent districts or resources). Their signature modern era naval unit is the U-Boat submarine, with a low production cost and bonus when fighting in the deep ocean.
Civilization VI arrives on October 21st for PC (Mac/Linux). To stay in the loop about the game, check out their website, Twitter, and Facebook.