We've all grown accustomed to gamer culture and all that it entails.
You know what I'm referring to—would-be professional gamers who brag about spending 18 hours a day playing Call of Duty and World of Warcraft while their moms wipe their butts from behind and clean up the messes they've made with their steady diet of Mountain Dew, cheetos and pizza.
Granted, most gamers aren't at all like this, but the fact that such people even exist gives us the opportunity to poke fun at ourselves as a culture and try to better ourselves, if only a little—and to also refuse these negative stereotypes by not fitting into them.
With that in mind, Youtube-ographer jjmirra has taken the opportunity to create a video of LA Noire to take the piss out of gaming culture, featuring dubstep music and "360 no-scope investigation."
The video, titled "[[MLG]] pr0 L4 N01R3 360 NOSCOPE xXxPh3LP$xXx
" is an absolute must-watch.