The grass is always greener on the other side and, for those less concerned with plant life, the PlayStation store is always better in other regions. Almost on a weekly basis, users on the American PS Blog will complain that they haven't got the love and attention given to EU users. At exactly the same time, EU users don't understand their treatment compared to their peers across the pond.
Yesterday, Jawad Ashraf, the guy responsible for the PlayStation Store posts on the official blog, gave an explanation as to why some games come to the EU territory and some, more conspiculously, don't. It's something we've known for a while, something that's probably been confirmed once or twice, but it's always worth reiterating. Sony don't want you to not spend your money but, sometimes, things just don't happen.
"A common question with a common answer," he wrote. "Licensing, market and a host of other business and non-business decisions all play a part. What is often forgotten is the EU consists of not just one or two countries – it includes a variety (36!), meaning a lot more localising must be done. Certain games also retain licenses only in certain territories or have expired rights. There’s generally so many factors that can often lead to games being delayed or totally cancelled for specific regions, and sometimes this cannot be helped."