It’s been a long time since the true “glory days” of the Mass Effect Trilogy. Even when you put in the legendary edition and enjoy all the extra content that was added on over time and see everything in a new graphical light, it reminds you of how amazing this set of RPGs was right up until the very end and how Bioware hasn’t captured the magic since. It also doesn’t help that the games are now being put into the TV space, though whether that fully comes to fruition is seriously in question, as there have been plenty of “video game adaptation announcements” in recent times that went nowhere.
However, should the show actually happen, one of the key voice actors of the original game feels that the voices behind the original trilogy should have a role in some part. We’re talking about Jennifer Hale, the voice actor behind the female version of Commander Shephard. She talked to Eurogamer about the upcoming TV series and noted:
“You will always get a yes vote from me on Shepard coming back in any form. That was such a gift, and it’s a gift I will always be extremely joyful to receive. I never suppose to tell creators what to do. The only thing I must say about that TV series is I want to play! Any capacity, I will be there with bells on!”
She wasn’t done, as she mentioned her fellow voice actors and noted:
“I think they’d be really smart to pull as much of the original cast into the show in cameos and Easter eggs and recurring and regular [roles] as possible. I think that would be an absolutely genius move.”
She’s not wrong, and it wouldn’t be that hard to pull off, depending on how the series is handled. If they indeed follow the path of the OG Mass Effect games, they would need to bring in Garrus, Wrex, Tali, and more. Some of these characters would need to be in heavy prosthetics or CGI to come to life, and thus, the original voice actors could be brought in to voice their characters. That goes double in cases like Tali, who wears a mask that almost never comes off, so they could pull a Darth Vader and have someone say the line from within the suit, then bring in the voice actor to give Tali her true voice.
We’ll have to see what decisions are made to make this show happen.