Did you like the trailer? If so, what were your favorite parts? Or do you think this will be a disaster? Let us know below!
Given the success of video game adaptations recently, it’s unsurprising that more are popping up and that they’re trying to show off the full breadth and insanity that video games can have. We’ve already had a hedgehog come into the world, and seen a city full of Pokemon, not to mention a “father and daughter” trying to brave a monster-filled America to find a cure, so why not show off a guy driving to find a package against a bunch of psychos with weapons-loaded vehicles? Yep, we’re talking about Twisted Metal, and it got its official trailer today. Brace yourselves. This isn’t the “competition” you know.
In the games, the title Twisted Metal was given to a tournament where people would fight to gain a single wish from the “host,” often a mysterious man known as Calypso. The battles that would take place were over-the-top and insane, given the vehicles and people involved. You would take a character through the tournament and see the “reality” of their wish when it would come true. Often, it wasn’t a happy ending.
In the TV series, as seen in the trailer below, we’re not getting the tournament at all. Instead, Anthony Mackie plays a driver named “John Doe,” who acts as a deliveryman in a world gone mad. The biggest cities in the US have closed off their borders, and only the bravest, craziest, and dumbest go out to the areas in between to do delivery drops and get “rewards” as a result.
For John Doe, he meets a woman named Raven in New San Francisco, and she offers him “everything he wants” in exchange for bringing a special package back to her. He agrees and is off on the road. But he soon finds out that this whole adventure is more than he bargains for.
He gets a new “co-pilot” via Quiet, who isn’t afraid to shove a gun in his mouth, literally. Then, we meet some other characters who will make life miserable for John. That includes Agent Stone and the one and only Sweet Tooth.
Despite the heavy differences to the lore, the show does seem to promise lots of action, car destruction, explosions, insanity, and loads of violence. There will also be humor galore, as Mackie’s character is anything but serious.
It’s hard to tell how well the show will do, and many will likely object to key changes in the world and characters. But for now, we’ll just wait for it to arrive on July 27th on Peacock.