There are plenty of video game engines out there, and while some development studios use the same engine as their competitors, we have some unique engines for specific studios. For instance, Creation Engine was created back in 2011 by Bethesda, and it was used across multiple console generations. But in 2021, it was unveiled that the company was moving on with another proprietary engine dubbed Creation Engine 2. This engine is a new iteration that would be seen in the likes of Starfield along with their upcoming The Elder Scrolls VI installment.
Right now, there is a ton of hype built around Starfield. Fans can’t wait to dive into this new RPG from the studio. Today we’re finding out that Todd Howard, the director behind Starfield, is praising Creation Engine 2 regarding how great Starfield looks. Thanks to a report from Tweak Town, we’re finding out Todd Howard made a few comments regarding Creation Engine 2 when speaking on the Kinda Funny Games podcast. During this, Todd was asked how the game thrives with the new engine and if there were areas where the studio was able to add content specifically because of the new hardware.
According to Todd, there are some areas that the studio was able to pull off because of the incredible work handled by their tech team. One area that Todd Howard would like to highlight in the future that wasn’t quite touched on was volumetric fog and how the lighting can interact with it. This is something we didn’t see much of, but it’s at least one area Todd Howard is excited to showcase, and it’s thanks to the Creation Engine 2.
Of course, the follow-up question presented had to do with FPS. We already know that Bethesda didn’t have any plans in place to deliver a performance mode for Starfield. As a result, the game will be locked at 30 FPS rather than 60 FPS. So it was asked if the development team ever considered taking some of these features away to allow the ability to introduce a 60 FPS option for players. But according to Todd, that wasn’t anything the studio considered. It looks like the team didn’t want to take away any features so players would get the full experience that they initially planned for.
Meanwhile, we don’t have too much of a wait to endure before we can start Starfield. This game is shaping up to be quite an ambitious project release for the development team. Todd Howard even noted that this game could get quite chaotic as players can pick up and start multiple quests rather than just starting a mission and being locked into doing that one storyline until completion. So how this will all bleed together as you explore a planet remains to be seen.
Currently, Starfield is set to launch on September 6, 2023. When the game does launch into the marketplace, you’ll find it available for the PC and Xbox Series X/S platforms. Likewise, since this is a first-party Microsoft title, we’ll also see the game release through the Xbox Game Pass subscription service.