A rumor has propped up that Neon White will soon be coming to Xbox Game Pass.

This comes from the Xbox Era podcast, who had revealed some games coming to the service days before they were officially announced. Host Shpeshal Nick says he heard that it would be coming sometime in the middle of December.
Neon White was originally published on Steam and the Nintendo Switch on June 16, 2022. Last week it was officially announced that the game would be coming to PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5 on December 13, 2022.
Neon White throws away the conventions of modern day military shooters, for a very arcade like, arena style shooter and 3D platformer. It’s the spirit of Unreal Tournament without the multiplayer, but let me explain what it’s like a little bit more.
Mechanically, you go through short levels, with weak enemies, and little challenge to fighting them. The actual challenge comes from the platforming, as you traverse steep elevations and hard to reach corners, to reach the finish line before the timer runs out on you. And this is first person perspective platforming like Mirror’s Edge, not Super Mario Odyssey, so it’s up to you to look around with a camera and find where you need to go next.
To add another layer of complexity, you can pick up cards along the way. These cards are only active for a limited time, but you will be holding onto a good number for a set period so you can make the most out of your time with them.
Primarily, each card gives you limited time use of a weapon, guns and melee alike. However, each card also has a secondary ability, and all of these abilities are related to movement or traversal in some way. For example, one card gives you a double jump, while another gives you a dash.
So, the way this game really plays out, is you look around for the cards first, and then use them to find your way to the exit. You have to figure out the right order of actions you take, as well as the right cards and when to use them. In this way, Neon White also has platforming and puzzle elements.
Neon White is the perfect Xbox Game Pass game. While it doesn’t have the production values of AAA productions like Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2, it makes up for it with a novel game idea, that gamers may not want to buy full price, but are willing to try out under a game subscription.
Some GameRanx readers probably already know we have made a ton of guides for the game already, including how to get the Bloody Knuckles Achievement, how to unlock level rush, and how to get the true ending. If you’re an Xbox gamer, you might be checking them out soon enough.
Source: Twisted Voxel