MMOs are a thing I don't play. A lot of people play MMOs, and thats awesome for them, especially since the Star Wars: The Old Republic just came out (in Europe) and theres a Guild Wars 2 beta out. Whats that? You're not on the beta? Yeah, most people aren't. It's a closed beta that you must be invited to to be able to play.
To access this closed beta you, like I said, must have been approached by Devs Arenanet and offered to join the closed beta, but that didn't happen for a whole lot of people it sounds. The beta for now is very small and not open for signing up for. Not much is going on in the beta for now though, those lucky enough to get in are mostly there for “to help identity bugs and stresstest severs in a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game.”
It's kind of like a secret club or something. I'm sure no girls were allowed either. I'm joking of course, this is just how betas for games like these work. I've never actually played Guild Wars but I had a friend who did for a while and he seemed to really enjoy it so I'm sure this game will be a good one.