One of the true wonders of our current gaming world is that we can give new life to games that have been almost forgotten to history, and at times, give them a look and feel and sound that they never were able to have before. Live A Live was made 28 years ago for the Super Famicom, and while it was a unique game back then, the limits of the technology never allowed it to reach its full potential. However, fast forward to now, and the new 2D-HD style that Square Enix helped pioneer for their “old-school” RPG tributes, and suddenly, everything that’s old is new again.
The upgraded graphics aren’t the only thing that make Live A Live fresh, as the game has a revamped sound design, including a fully voiced song for a key sequence, as well as fully-voice acted characters that you’ll get to listen to throughout the game.
As if that’s not enough, the launch trailer above reveals a new secret about the game. For after you are done with the 8 main stories, there is apparently one more story left to tell, as you’ll be able to bring together the 8 heroes from across time and space together to fight the true evil of the game within the “Dominion Of Hate”.
So if you ever wanted to see the cowboy interact with the ninja, or the caveboy interact with the little robot, you’re going to get your chance. As you can see, this title is going to be an RPG that is very unique even for this time, let alone when it came out before. So if you’re ready for a special experience that has been a long time coming, watch the launch trailer above, and then get Live A Live, available now for the Nintendo Switch.
Source: YouTube