Are you Star Citizen backer looking for some clarity on where the game is right now and what to expect before the year ends? A fan has made a sincere attempt at clearing everything up.
Writing for Imperial News Network, Nehkara has done the hard work of sorting through the frequent updates, and not only poring through each detail, but gauging what Cloud Imperium Games has been doing, figuring out how far along they are in making each element, and finally, estimating how soon before they apply it to the game.
So, the original plan was to have five systems with one landing zone ready for the persistent universe alpha. This plan has now been scrapped in favor of focusing on one system, Stanton, and making it the gold standard. Stanton has four landing zones, making it one of the bigger systems, and will be a good starting point to accommodate all the patient backers. It will also be a good template to build other systems off of.
The Stanton planet ArcCorp is finished and ready to play on, with the landing zone Area18. They are already working on Microtech, Crusader, and Hurston, based on what they’ve done with ArcCorp. A social module called Quantum will eventually include the entire Stanton system upon releases, and they will be connecting the other systems to Stanton after that.
Now, Cloud Imperium Games is developing Star Citizen at their own pace, working on components as they see fit. A consequence of this is that they branched out some of the coding they made for Star Marine, and are now working on merging the code back.
Thankfully, Cloud Imperium is working on finishing up this work now, so our source predicts Star Marine will release, along with a large part of the Social module, before CitizenCon this October 10. After CitizenCon, fans can expect an expanded Arena Commander 2.0.
How are you feeling about Star Citizen’s progress so far? Do you think Cloud Imperium Games should change the way they update fans? Share your thoughts with us in the comments.