Square Enix has released a new video of the upcoming Final Fantasy XV, depicting some of the wide open environments present within the game.
Dubbed “World of Wonder Vol. 1”, the video features the wildlife and ecology of Final Fantasy XV, showcasing the diverse environments of the world in which the game is set. There’s more to see beyond the city of Insomnia, which was recently detailed in concept artwork of the title. We expect to see much more of the game’s world in the coming months.
The technology used to depict the environments is all sorts of fantastic. There’s even dynamic wildlife, in which animals protect their herds, hunt in packs, and take on predators.
Final Fantasy XV does not have a release date, but judging from the newly released video, it’s coming along really well. It’ll be release for the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. There is no PC version of the game, for now.
Players who purchase Final Fantasy Type-0 HD will receive Episode Duscae, a preview demo for the title when it releases. Square Enix says its plans for Episode Duscae are exclusive to the HD remaster of Type-0.