Geralt of Rivia, the protagonist of the upcoming The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, has been given a detailed overview in a PDF file released by the game’s developers at CD Projekt Red to ease cosplayers into the role.
His facial features as follows:
- His shoulder-length hair is described as grey.
- Eyes are yellow with cat like pupils.
- He has one scar through his left eye and a second on the right side of his forehead.
The rest of the PDF goes into no small amount of detail about his clothing and accessories, including his Witcher Wolf medallion. Be sure to check that out here, or check it out in the screenshots below.
Just a couple days ago we reported on the game’s new potion system and the fact that it does not have a branching story, unlike its predecessor, The Witcher 2, which offered a branching storyline depending on the options you chose.
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt was originally planned for release this year, but has since been delayed to the next. It comes out on February 24, 2014 for the PC, Xbox One and PlayStation 4 platforms. There are no plans to bring the game to last-gen platforms.