The Resident Evil franchise has been around for ages now. After its initial release on the original PlayStation, the Resident Evil series has continued to find new players regularly. Not only are there new players for mainline installments, but we’ve also seen the series bring in players for its massive collection of spin-off video game title installments as well. Right now the focus is on the next big Resident Evil video game title which is attached to the mainline series.
Resident Evil Village has been teased for a few months now as we’re gearing towards its big release later this year. We only have a few details about the story so far and it’s likely going to stay that way with most players having to play through the game to see just what all the narrative entails. With that said, from what we do know is that this video game narrative will be picking up after the events of the previous mainline release, Resident Evil 7.
If you don’t recall, Resident Evil 7 followed a new protagonist for the series, Ethan Winters. Ethan was on a quest to find his missing wife which eventually lead him to an old house with the oddity Baker family. Ethan becomes trapped by this unusual family and is forced to endure them throughout the home as he attempted to not only find his wife but escape from their clutches. While Ethan and his wife managed to get out, our series protagonist that’s been around since the original PlayStation Resident Evil release, Chris Redfield shows up and leaves Ethan in a new mess.
Now it would appear that Ethan is after Chris to get some answers and this quest leads him to a small village. With players actively hunting Chris down, Ethan once again gets tossed into a new bizarre journey. Meanwhile, we can expect a big surprise during the game. Resident Evil Village game director, Morimasa Sato, made a note during the latest issue of Edge Magazine that the biggest surprise you could imagine will be awaiting Ethan Winters in this story, but no hints as to what that may be. For now, we’ll have to wait for Resident Evil Village to release on May 7, 2021, for the PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S to find out just what Ethan will overcome.
Source: Comicbook