The Battlefield franchise has a pretty big following. While there are five mainline installments and a few spin-offs, there hasn’t been much of an annual release as of late. Instead, the past couple of Battlefield games have been focused around DLC and expansions to give fans a bit more content. It’s not something that the Call of Duty franchise relies on. With the Call of Duty series, we get a new game each year which have been for better or for worse.
At any rate, fans of the Battlefield franchise may be waiting a bit before they can sink their time into Battlefield 6. The next thrilling installment is slated to come out in 2021, but we haven’t heard much about it. Especially with this coronavirus health pandemic outbreak, this is likely a game we won’t see for a good little while if it doesn’t end up getting delayed out of 2021. Regardless, news right now is coming through industry insiders.
Two reports have been covered which conflict with each other. At first, the word came out from industry insider Anton Logvinov who is reported to have claimed Battlefield 6 won’t be the game that fans will want it to be. Without diving into the reasons why it left quite a few fans wondering just what EA is doing with this franchise. However, that rumor was quickly challenged by another industry insider.
Tom Henderson reached out to his followers on Twitter and alerted them that he believes that fans of the Battlefield franchise will have nothing to worry about. Again, nothing specific was offered, but it may be a wait to see just which party is right. Battlefield 6 will likely pique quite a few people’s interests over the franchise IP alone. It’s a series that’s been around for years so whatever changes, if any, is made from the past few installments may have some rejoicing for a fresh perspective while others despising it. At the end of the day, both parties may be right but again, no information has yet to be released officially.