Infamous: Second Son is on just about every PlayStation 4 owner’s radar. The upcoming open-world dive into the life of a super-powered rogue is packed with slick powers and beautiful environments, and a new comparison video uploaded by GamesHQMedia showcases just how far the Sucker Punch series has come since the second iteration.
The most obvious difference is visible through the environments, which look both sharper and more colorful in the PlayStation 4 exclusive. The city of Seattle is on full display in Second Son, with every street corner and landmark showcasing the power of the PS4. Combat also appears more fluid, with Delsin displaying a whole new gambit of powerful techniques that allow for a great deal more speed and maneuverability that what was allowed in Infamous 2.
Finally, the character models are hard to ignore. Facial animations – as well as body movements – just look more believable. This is a game that many people will label a showpiece for next-generation hardware, and it looks as if Sucker Punch is doing everything in its power to pass the test.