Developer Mojang has taken to their website to announce and detail the latest update to hit their critically acclaimed new title — Minecraft Dungeons.
The update is now available to download across all platforms, and it brings a ton of great new fixes and changes. They even detailed the specific changes for problems that appeared on PS4 and Nintendo Switch versions of the game. Minecraft has been a long running franchise, constantly making changes and keeping relevant in the gaming community.
Minecraft Dungeons is a different take on the creative game, where players actual have a light RPG title to play. Players dungeon crawl, fight enemies, and much more. If you have yet to check out Minecraft Dungeons, you might want to as it seems pretty cool especially for those who are a fan of the epic franchise.
Check out the full set of patch notes for Minecraft Dungeons down below! – June 17, 2020
It’s time for another Minecraft Dungeons hotfix! This release comes with a swath of fixes for some of the top issues that players have been encountering. The update is currently only available for Nintendo Switch and PlayStation 4 but don’t fret, players on Windows and Xbox One will be getting the update soon with even more fixes specific to those platforms.
Thanks for playing and be sure to report any bugs you encounter to bugs.mojang.com. If you’re looking to join a community of like-minded players, hit up the Minecraft Dungeons Discord server at discord.gg/MinecraftDungeons. Happy dungeon crawling!
Fixes for All Platforms:
- Fixed several crashes that could occur during gameplay
- Fixed a crash that could occur when starting a game session
- Fixed a crash that could occur when using fishing rods
- Fixed several crashes related to picking up food items
- Fixed a crash that could occur when moving away from enchanted mobs
- Fixed a crash that could occur when joining a game
- Fixed players crashing if the host transitioned to Camp while when players were almost finished loading
- Fixed infinite loading screen issue when transitioning between levels while players are loading in online co-op
- Adjusted the look of the Hero Cape (MCD-1813)
- Added version number to the Settings screen
- Fixed spawning and sometimes dying under the world when a mission is completed (MCD-70)
- Fixed a slope in Pumpkin Pastures that could kill players just by walking into it (MCD-62)
- It’s no longer possible to leave Creepy Crypt without picking up the tome (MCD-1356)
- Fixed the settings menu not able to be opened more than once from the main menu
- Fixed the Surprise Gift enchantment not dropping any items
- Fixed players getting stuck in railing on Highblock Halls when entering from the well during local co-op
- Enchanted mob groups now have a chance of dropping rewards when defeated
- While the left gamepad stick is being tilted, pressing the A button now results in attacking a mob instead of picking up an item
- Fixed several issues that occurred while Player 3 was joining a game session in local co-op
- Fixed merchants not showing up properly in online co-op
- Food spawned from enchantments and the tables in Highblock Halls now count towards the “Om Nom Nom” achievement
- Fixed “Kill the Zombie” tutorial hint lingering for too long
- Fixed several text strings not fitting inside buttons in several languages
- Fixed the music for the stats and reward screen not playing after completing a mission
- Implemented missing arrow impact sound effects
- Fixed items spawned by Food Reserves and Surprise Gifts to not appear for all players in online co-op
- Fixed a chance of getting stuck in the air when Ghost Cloak ran out
- Fixed players sometimes getting sent back to the main menu when starting or completing mission
- Spawn cage audio no longer continues to play after destruction
- Fixed chests sometime looping the opening sound effect
- Fixed low host FPS disconnecting players during camp/mission transition
- Fixed missing textures on the reward screen in several instances
- Radiance enchantment effects are now visible to all players in online co-op
- Fixed runes not activating properly for clients in multiplayer sessions
Nintendo Switch Fixes:
- Fixed the game becoming unresponsive when Airplane Mode has been turned on while waiting for the code to link a Microsoft Account
- Fixed the quick unequip button being incorrect on single Joy-Con, as well as category shifting buttons being wrong after changing between single and dual Joy-Cons while in the inventory
- Fixed incorrect button prompts on the user interface when using a single Joy-Con in local co-op
- Fixed the game freezing when pressing the Back button on the code screen while linking a Microsoft Account
PlayStation 4 Fixes:
- Fixed a green line that appeared at the bottom of the Mojang Studios splash screen in 1080p
- Trophies are now disabled for non-PSN account local users on PS4 local co-op when not Player 1
Minecraft Dungeons is now available for the PS4, Xbox Oen, PC, and Nintendo Switch. Did you download the latest update for the game? How have been enjoying Minecraft Dungeons so far? Let us know in the comments below!