When ContainsModeratePeril.com reported that Turbine would stop developing "instances and raids" for Lord of the Rings Online, community manager at Turbine, Sapience, clarified the studio's development plans and the renewal of the Lord of the Rings Online License.
Concerning the license agreement of Lord of the Rings Online, Sapience confirmed that Turbine renewed the license through 2017. While Turbine won't develop new "traditional instances and raids," the studio wants to revamp the MMORPG in Middle-earth.
"When the Players Council last visited, we asked them what they thought of a year that focused on more content and more opportunities to refine and improve existing systems," said executive producer Kate Piaz. "They echoed the sentiment we’d heard from many of you and were unanimous in their support. They were also very passionate on one point; VIPs should get this new content for free. (Again, we agree!)"
The new changes aim to bring more content at an increased rate for VIP players. Turbine also host more festivals and events for Lord of the Rings Online, while developing new features like Housing.
The studio is also busy developing a free-to-play MOBA based around the DC Universe call Infinite Crisis. Last week Turbine introduced Atomic Poison Ivy to the roster of Champions.