When it comes to the Resident Evil franchise, there is a long line of video game titles readily available for players to enjoy. However, despite having a long running franchise of video game titles both in terms of mainline installments to spin-offs, the development team over at Capcom has decided to look back at the franchise and bring out remakes for their classic releases. As a result, fans are either reliving the gameplay experience they had from the late 1990s to the early 2000s or enjoying the series roots for the first time ever.
The Resident Evil franchise has certainly had a few changes over the years. While the original installments were survival horror classics, Capcom adapted the franchise to meet the standards for not only controls but the overall tone that they felt fans wanted. This is why we started to see a switch from the classic survival horror attributes to a more action-horror experience, before going back to the old school survival horror roots once again. After the success of Resident Evil 7, Capcom decided to give fans a remake of Resident Evil 2.
That remake blew up and it leads to the success along with high anticipation for a Resident Evil 3 remake. Now while we wait for Capcom to unveil what they are doing officially next for the franchise, we know that there is a fan remake in the works for the original Resident Evil video game. It’s worth clarifying we are referring a remake for the already established Resident Evil Remake that Capcom produced several years ago.
The main difference with this remake, which is known as Resident Evil: Remix, this project will bring the overall feel and gameplay experience found in the past two remakes and Resident Evil 4 installments. You’ll find the controls from an over-the-shoulder shooter while the overall gameplay may include some new surprises that were placed into the game.
While the game is still in development, we do have some gameplay footage you can view down below. There’s no word on just when this game will find its way out into the market yet either and there’s always the possibility that Capcom may decide to kill the project off completely.