The long-awaited sequel to Nioh has finally arrived, and it seems in the perfect time! The game has been getting pegged as one of the best titles of the year, and from across the board — fans, gamers, and critics, it seems that Nioh 2 is a massive hit.
Over the weekend and new documentary about making of the critically acclaimed title has been released. The documentary takes viewers on a one hour journey and teaches them about the game making process, Koei Tecmo and Team Ninja’s decisions for the game, and much more in full detail.
Hear from the director of the game, voice, actors, and plenty of other people who worked on the title. If you’re a fan of the game, or just need some time to rest up before jumping into the game, then I’d suggest checking out this documentary!
Check out the brand new documentary for Nioh 2 down below:
In related news, we currently held a review roundup for the highly anticipated sequel — Nioh 2.
Nioh follows heavily after From Software’s Souls-Bourne titles, but puts its own spin on it. Nioh 2 seems to up the ante from the original title, while keeping this mainstream for noobies like myself. The in-depth gameplay mechanics, overarching story, and brutal monsters, will be a treat for those who like these type of games. Learn more about what critics are sayingfor Nioh 2 right here!
Nioh 2 is now available to purchase on the PS4. Are you excited for the upcoming title? Let us know in the comments below!