All video game and related intellecutal property rights to the Amalur fantasy universe, Rise of Nations and Rise of Legends are up for sale on the auction block today, Heritage Global has announced.
Here's what's for sale:
Intellectual property rights in the “Amalur” fantasy universe including:
– “Project Copernicus” an in-development Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game (MMORPG) including a 10,000 year world history, completed character “races” and playable “zones.”
– Sequel rights to the critically acclaimed “Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning,” including development concepts, game artwork and designs.
– Merchandise rights and revenue streams associated with the Xbox 360, PS3 and PC title “Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning.”
Intellectual property rights in Big Huge Games’ properties including the classic PC strategy title “Rise of Nations” as well as “Rise of Legends.”
In house developed video game technology including the “Big Huge Games Engine” and 38 Studios’ gaming, social media and development platform codenamed “Helios.”
Curiously, in addition to all the stuff available, Heritage Global has discovered a completed, but unreleased game for the Mac called "Rise of Nations: Tactics." The game was discovered on the 38 Studios servers through the auctioneer's own due diligence efforts and is expected to be put on sale along with everything else that's available.