The makers of The Elder Scrolls Online have set up a new page detailing the creation of a creature called the wamasu, the terror of the Black Marsh. This thunder lizard was voted upon by the game's community on Facebook, and is more popular than the Guar and the Clannfear, both of which were a part of The Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind.
Like all creatures in the Elder Scrolls franchise, the wamasu has its own set of lore. It's never appeared in an Elder Scrolls game before, so the team had the freedom to develop it as their creativity allowed, without the limitations of adhering to any previous designs.
Legend has it that the wamasu are enormous, frightening creatures with “lightning for blood,” and this mention helped drive the effects for its body and its lethal attacks. Electricity pulses up and down the wamasu’s spine, presenting a clear warning to potential challengers. Effects artists also gave flavor to the wamasu’s attacks. Its roar charges the air with a plasma-like effect, and its savage bite attack also has an electrical element.
According to the developers, the wamasu comes in multiple varieties including a "boss" variation. It's described as "bigger, deadlier, and has more devastating attacks." As one of the game's deadlier foes, players should expect a stiff challenge when facing one of these in the game proper.
The making of the Wamasu is accompanied by the following video:
Previously, the game developers detailed the game's crafting and exploration. Be sure to check that out here.