Deep Silver has released a new trailer for the upcoming post-apocalyptic FPS, Metro: Last Light. Titled "Redemption", the new trailer showcases Anna, the Spartan Order of Rangers' top marksman, as she goes through the trials and tribulations of the tasks ahead of Artyom, the game's protagonist.
The video also shows off some actual gameplay. It's man on man against (mutated) nature beneath the tunnels of Moscow, in the Metro that's also home to the last human survivors.
Originally developed as a novel by Dmitry Glukhovsky, the Metro series achieved fame with the release of Metro 2033 in 2010. Metro: Last Light takes place after the events of the first game and features a story completely original to the game itself, with writing oversight from Glukhovsky.
The game, which is currently in development at 4A Games, was originally slated to be published by THQ, but since the publisher went under, Deep Silver picked up the license to provide the game with a new home.
Metro: Last Light is set for release on May 14 in North America, followed by its release on May 17 in Europe for the PC, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. Players who pre-order the game on Steam will receive a free digital copy of Glukhovsky's Metro 2033 novel.